Lu's Recipe Search Engine

Use the form below to search through the recipes at Lu's Recipe Extravaganza! Just a couple of notes & hints about using this search.

  1. The search engine looks for the words you enter in full or part and will return a match if either of the words or part of the word you entered appears in anyway on any page. i.e. ENTER: apple pie -- this search returns not only My apple page and my pie page, but also a couple of other pages that have the word apple in it as well as finding a match for the "pie" entry when it hit the word "piece".
  2. If looking for a recipe name or a specific food type try Capatalizing the word. i.e. ENTER: Apple Pie and you will get only a match for the Apple Page and the Pie page.
  3. The engine searches all of my pages, not just the recipes, so you may find a match that takes you to the links page as well.

Text to Search For:
Boolean: Case

Simple Search created by Matt Wright and can be found at .

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